Sunday, 25 November 2012

What's around the river bend.

Hi guys :)

So I've had a very sad week this week! I said goodbye to my best friend Anna who moved to Melbourne! Atleast shes not far away and plus she said she may come visit next year for my 21st! Wahooo! 

We got up to some mischief in the last few dayssss .... 

If you guys are wondering where these were taken its a place called Cathedral Cove. Sooo beautiful!

Oh anyways back on the disney front :). I've booked my visa appointment for the 11th of December, kinda freaking out because I literally have only 5 weeks left in the country! OMG! 
So many things to do before I leave and so many people to see, but also so much money to save! How does anybody find the time! 

Day #15: Your favorite kiss

Ahhh, this ones a goodie! How can anybody choose their favourite disney kiss! 
I'm gunna say ..... Ariel and Eric in the Little Mermaid. 

My reasoning for this is because throughout the whole entire film that is what we are waiting and wanting to happen so in the end its like YUSSSS victory!!!! 
You agree? 

Anyway as I distracted myself from getting ready for work by doing a blogpost, I actually do need to go to work. 
So I hope you all have a magical day :) xx

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