Sunday, 25 November 2012

What's around the river bend.

Hi guys :)

So I've had a very sad week this week! I said goodbye to my best friend Anna who moved to Melbourne! Atleast shes not far away and plus she said she may come visit next year for my 21st! Wahooo! 

We got up to some mischief in the last few dayssss .... 

If you guys are wondering where these were taken its a place called Cathedral Cove. Sooo beautiful!

Oh anyways back on the disney front :). I've booked my visa appointment for the 11th of December, kinda freaking out because I literally have only 5 weeks left in the country! OMG! 
So many things to do before I leave and so many people to see, but also so much money to save! How does anybody find the time! 

Day #15: Your favorite kiss

Ahhh, this ones a goodie! How can anybody choose their favourite disney kiss! 
I'm gunna say ..... Ariel and Eric in the Little Mermaid. 

My reasoning for this is because throughout the whole entire film that is what we are waiting and wanting to happen so in the end its like YUSSSS victory!!!! 
You agree? 

Anyway as I distracted myself from getting ready for work by doing a blogpost, I actually do need to go to work. 
So I hope you all have a magical day :) xx

Monday, 12 November 2012

I can show you the world.

Helloo everyone!

Today I received my FedEx package wahooo! Finallyyyy :)
This contains all my visa information and other various forms of info I need for my entry to the USA for my Disney international program!

So I'm getting ridiculously excited now its so close! All I need to do now is get my visa, get insurance and pay the program fee then I'm pretty much set to start packing. WOW!
I still can't believe that this is going to happen it is so surreal that I'm going to be working in the happiest place on earth for a whole year. Crazy stuff! 
On the savings front I've saved $3500 what whattt!!! That's pretty good for me I must say!

Last wednesday I went to see Mary Poppins with my mom in Auckland. Suchhh a cool show, I would definately advise you to go see it. It was ridiculously good, the set was awesome like a big dolls house that opened and moved around. Andddd Mary Poppins actually flew over my head at the end of the show, she pretty much flew over the whole audience, pretty cool right? All the actors were so good and so well suited for the parts they were so true to the characters it was great. So heres a little Mary Poppins clip to set it off :).

Ohh just one more thing, I have to pay $20 to get my academic record, I mean seriously! Uni don't you think you've taken enough money from me as it is!!! Sheeeesh!

Another disney day it isss ....

Day #14: Your least favorite song

To tell you the truth this was surprisingly easy for me, for any of you who have ever been to Walt Disney World then you will know what I mean.
The song I hate the most, which I cannot stand is "It's a small world". It is featured on one of the rides at disney and I swear it is the creepiest ride I've ever been on. 

I mean seriously ... I don't like it :( the little people freak me out. 
Please tell me I'm not the the only one who dislikes this haha :) 

I will be posting very soon about my visa interview so until next time!
Have a magical day xx

Thursday, 1 November 2012

Even miracles take a little time.

Hello Again! 
Yep I know what your thinking, two posts in one day? Girrrrrrrl this better be important!

Well someone must have listened to my pleas for my passport because lo and behold .... dun dun dunnnn it has arrrivveeedddddd :).
Wahoo wahooo wahooo!

Annndddd I don't look like a criminal in my photo bonus!

Okay thats all it is :)
Important enough? :P

Have a magical day x

When will my life begin?

Sooooo I'm still waiting for my damn passport!!!!! That is what this posts title is about because I feel like I've been waiting forever to get this passport back. They sent it me back because my photo was too old, I got a new one taken ....... I look EXACTLY the same!
Haha oh well :P
Well anyway thought I'd give you a lil update, I didn't want to do another post until I'd got it back but what the hell :).

University is over for me! Wahoooo! So now all I have to concentrate on is getting all my shiz ready for disney.
I don't know if I've told you guys this but ..... IM SO EXCITEDDD :).

Ohh time for another disney day! One step closer to leaving on my adventure!

Day #13: Your favorite villain song

I loveeee
Poor Unfortunate Souls - Little Mermaid
Be Prepared - The Lion King
Hellfire - The Hunchback of Notre Dame

Disney villain songs are just so catchy and cool, you find yourself liking the villains just through their songs and then the rest of the movie you just love to hate them.

Well anyways! Hopefully next time I post I'll have my passport sent off and my visa documents will be on their way!
Have a magical day x